Friday, April 18, 2008

My sweet Tate is trying to figure it all out......

Every night Tate & I curl up in bed to read his Bible book. We also talk about the stories and I try my best to explain what they mean in a way he can understand. (It is alot harder than you think) We were reading the story of Saul turning to God and becoming known as the Apostle Paul. And then the last story was of the promise for God to come back to bring us home. I've always told Tate that Jesus lives in his heart & He is with him all the time. Well he had been thinking on everything & decided to talk to me about it all once we going to nap the next day. He started out talking about Saul and how he wasn't Jesus' friend then he was his friend & became Paul....I agreed & then he asked if Jesus was coming here? I told him that He would one day. He asked when, and I told him when the time was right. Then he said the sweetest thing I've ever was even better than hearing him say he loved me for the first time. He said "well, how will he get out of there?" I asked him "where?" and he pointed to his heart! Oh how sweet it was to know that he knew Jesus is with him always. I went to explain how Jesus lives in all of our hearts, when we love & believe in His word. I named off friends and family who has Jesus in their hearts, then he seemed to understand & was not so worried as to how Jesus was going to come out of his heart ♥ Then he asked "well then what will happen when he comes here?" I told him that everyone who did as God tells us to will go to live with Him in a wonderful place where everyone is always happy. He said he didn't want to move there, so I told him that Daddy, Momma, Lyla, Nanny, Nolan, Noah, Nathan & his family, his pawpaw...(the list went on and on) that they would all live there with him....that we'd all be together forever. He seemed satified and said "oh, well okay let's go to sleep now"

As he fell in to his sweet sleep I couldn't help but lay there and smile at him. He is so full of love & tries so hard to understand everything I'm telling him. I am so thankful to have such a loving little boy who will grow to know God & it is all starting at such a young age. I couldn't be more proud of him.

Just wanted to share my sweet little story of my sweet little boy, hope it made you smile :)

1 comment:

Andrea Gibson Photography said...

Oh my goodness it made me cry! Happy tears though! It sounds like you are teaching him right. He is such a sweet little boy and so smart!