Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"What do you want for Christmas, Momma?"

Tate asked the other night.  My answer was what it always is "to have every wish for you and Lyla to come true this Christmas." And his smart lil reply was "Well I guess I'll just wish for Santa to bring what you really want for Christmas & then you'll get it for sure, if your wish is for mine to come true."  Smart lil cookie he is ;)  This little convo with my fella brought me to think about my wishes over the years.  The past few years I have always requested certain things that I too wanted for Christmas, though this year my wishes have truly changed.  There isn't one thing that I truly need.  I have all I need right here at home... we have our health, each other and lots of sweet lovin'.  As I addressed my Christmas cards with my hubby and kids by my side, I realized that my prayers have already been answered.  For the past few years I've been longing for my family... time to just be a family, time to sit and cuddle, have dinner together or play outside without worry of what needs to be done for work.  As I sat with my family, (though we were fussing and cooped up from the snow) I realized that this is what I've longed for & what I've gotten this year as my gift.
I have been blessed this year to have help with my business, to have someone I can trust and lean on when I need.  There is no greater gift to me, than the gift of my family.  So this year I will be thankful and notice the blessing around me, for it is these small moment in life that pass us by so quickly.

Sometimes Christmas is just overwhelming, it seems,
As we rush around buying up stuff.
We spend without end, and we rack up those bills,
But it feels like it's never enough.

So this Christmas, let's all take a different approach:
Let's try to be more in accord
With God's Christmas gift, the best one of all--
Our sweet Jesus, our Savior, our Lord.

We'll be gentle and patient, and loving and kind,
And we'll keep our priorities straight;
The gifts of the Spirit, the gifts of the heart
Are the ones that we'll all celebrate.

And our stress will decrease, and we'll feel more at peace,
As we decorate, package, and trim;
Our new Christmas will be a pure joy and delight,
As we try to be much more like Him.

By Joanna Fuchs