So, now that Tate is getting to be a true blue boy, he had to go and break his arm.. just to prove that he could I guess?!?! And leave it up to my stunt master to do it the day before school starts!
So, that is how we spent our very last day of summer break ~ at the Doctor.
All I can say is that I'm paying for my raising! We'll hope he doesn't fill my shoes ~ I broke one arm in Kindergarden, both wrist in 3rd grade & cut my pinky off in 6th grade. (and those are just the stunts that required mom taking me to the hospital;)
Here is my cute lil Tate with his super sweet 1st Grade Teacher, Ms. Karrie Sanford. How is it that we just keep getting blessed with such wonderful teachers? I thank God for wonderful women & men who truly enjoy their jobs & understand how much these lil people mean to us mommas! I couldn't be happier with how things are starting off this year. SO BLESSED.
Below is Tater bug walking out from his very first day, head still held high.. just the way I left him that morning. Had I not been yacking with the other teachers I could've got him giving high fives to Mr. Brian... but I missed it ;)
So here's to the school year of 2010-2011... let it be a fun year for my boy, and let him remember as he goes through this year that he may outgrow my lap, but never my heart.